Sunday 11 May 2014

Kidnapped bird, our story from Sabadell

During one week our pupils have wrotten different tales. It has been a democratic work. They have decided the members of the group. At the end we have voted and choosen one. During the process of building up everyone has taken one responsability. Draw the scene, divide the script,the characters etc. This is our work, simply but effective. We have got a present for you. Listen and watch the movie till the end. Special thanks to Alba López our music teacher. Enjoy it!!!

Kidnapped Bird Story from sergi pascual on Vimeo.

Remenber, 9th May is the international birds day!!!!


  1. es molt xulu m'encanta!!!

    1. Més xulo és poder fer aquestes activitats amb ells. Moltíssimes gràcies!!!


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